The Grace of God

That Brings Salvation Has Appeared to All Men (Titus 2:11)

A Race Finished Well

Posted by israeliteindeed on April 21, 2017


“Thank you, Father, for breaking my heart and making it tender.” ~Bill Robinson

Dear Readers,

I owe an update–and my thanks–to those kind saints who have given us encouraging words and prayed for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

On February 27, 2017, my dear husband left this difficult life and entered into eternal peace and rest with Jesus. He was mostly conscious until the end, smiling, telling me he loves me, and testifying that “God’s been so good to me” to every soul who would listen.

It was and is a difficult time for my family, but I can testify that all of God’s Word is true. He has been the Friend who was closer than a brother. He gave us both peace that passes understanding. He eased my husband through the doorway of death–which we all must face–as gently as possible. He surrounded us with saints and friends who brought us meals, visited, prayed, donated toward medical bills, and many other acts of kindness. I am so grateful for each person and pray that the God who sees all will repay them in full.

Not only did God pour out His abundant grace on us, but He poured it through Bill to others. We were all amazed at how many lives were being touched. Strong, hardworking men came and sat by his bedside to be exhorted by him to live for Jesus and love their families. Many left his room weeping, saying they were changed forever. 2 people said their marriages were better because of Bill’s specific input in their lives. A relative told me she learned from watching our marriage how she needed to make some changes in hers. Another estranged relative came from many miles away, saying she was done playing games with God and ready to live for Him. A widowed neighbor who visited him told me, “This is the first time in 3 years I can believe God loves me.” Many testified that his home and room were “full of peace that you can feel.” One pastor testified, “I’ve never met a man more ready to see God face to face.” Nurses wished us well with tears in their eyes, and our precious hospice nurses told us we’d helped them more than they’d helped us. A friend summarized all these things very well by saying it felt like a revival was happening. The faith of many saints was encouraged.

I’m not tooting our horns here; the credit is not to us, but to our great God. His strength is indeed made perfect in weakness, and His treasure is poured out of crumbling clay vessels to a hurting world. Much of what I “knew” about God, I now know better because of what I’ve experienced in this situation. And I trust and believe He will continue to teach me through it.

I could write a thousand paragraphs about the sorrows and joys we experienced in Bill’s final days, but I mainly want to praise my God for all that He’s done. He gave us 25 years of marriage to sanctify and bless us, 3 beautiful children, and now 4 grandchildren. He opened my husband’s spiritual eyes and gave him abundant life, peace and joy in salvation. Through Jesus, Bill overcame satan, the world and his own flesh; forever it is finished, and satan is under his feet! His children got to sit by his side and take in the spiritual legacy their father was leaving them. He was so thankful for the presence of Jesus, and it eclipsed everything else. He never complained, but was a continual stream of love and gratitude. We’re so blessed to have witnessed that, and it is a tremendous comfort to us now.

Below I will share a few pictures of the journey, and finish with the memorial video a friend made. Be blessed in Jesus’ Name, and know that our redemption in Him is full and miraculous. He has gloriously triumphed over that last enemy–death. We who obey Him need not fear it, or any other thing we might face in this life. Our “stuff” will rust, our bodies will perish, the world and its lusts will pass away, but he who does the will of God abides forever (I Jn 2:17).

Bill loved his mother dearly, and I can honestly say he honored her all his life. She stayed in our home for a few months and was always by her son’s side. While suffering herself, she worked hard to be a support to me, and made us all smile and laugh when we were heavy-hearted. I was glad to spend Resurrection Sunday with her, my first time seeing her since she moved back to another state. She will be staying with me again soon. Will you please pray for her?

00060Courtney is our oldest, and was pregnant with our 3rd grandbaby when she visited her dad in the hospital (she lives in another state). Bill wept when he saw her, and laid his hand on her tummy to bless the baby.  I was privileged to help “catch” little Ember Raine when she made her grand entrance 11 days after Bill’s passing. The Lord gives and takes away; blessed be His Name! She’s a smiley little baby, just like her older brother was.20170316_191231-1

Jaime is our youngest; she was “Dada’s” shadow when she was little. His last words to her were, “You’re so precious to me, so precious.” Just yesterday she was thanking God with me for all He did through her dad. We are grateful her dad was able to walk her down the aisle last year, and she was also newly pregnant here.
This photo was taken about a week before Bill’s passing. The man at the top left was Bill’s boss, a strong believer who told me that God was working in the lives of many of these men through Bill. This particular day, the men came to honor Bill with an award for technician-of-the-year for 2016. Bill testified to them all of God’s goodness in his life. Several of these men were a constant support throughout the trial, and have promised me any help I might ever need. God bless them.

This photo was taken in Bill’s last 12 hours of life. He was very weak, and his organs were shutting down, but he was still smiling and being a blessing! Our son Will stayed by his side continually.   All our children have been a tremendous comfort to me since their dad’s passing.


For those interested, this memorial video contains photos from Bill’s birth to his departure. If only we had pictures of his glorious homecoming, but that will have to wait! Now, we who remain must endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, and apply our hearts to the kingdom of God and His righteousness. God bless you!


6 Responses to “A Race Finished Well”

  1. Colleen said

    Dear Sister, As soon as I saw the subject line I knew and was instantly moved to tears all the while reading your tribute to your husband and to our great God. May He continue to comfort you and all your family, meeting your needs continually, spiritual, physical and emotional. Hugs to you. In His love.

  2. michaelbattle65 said

    Truly a wonderful tribute to your husband. May God give you and your family strength, and may Bill’s Godly heritage continue though your children and their children.

  3. Thiboutot said

    Don’t really know what to say. I’m sorry for your loss. I pray that the pain diminishes and that your family grows even stronger. May God be glorified in all of this struggle. I pray that someday you will share more of your insight on the scriptures. God Bless.

    • Thank you very much for your comment. Some moments are still very difficult, but the Lord has been near. I’ve learned that there is a time to be quiet and wait on the Lord. But I know the blog is HIS, and look forward to writing again when the time is right. God bless you.

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