The Grace of God

That Brings Salvation Has Appeared to All Men (Titus 2:11)

Posts Tagged ‘pilgrim’

I Will See Your Face (A Poem)

Posted by israeliteindeed on June 20, 2014

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Love to all the pilgrims out there who may identify with this.

It’s lonely on this narrow way
Straining for the Words You say
To hide them in my heart.
The world’s been fading all around me
Ever since the day You found me
And gave me a new start.

And I can’t see Your face,
But I know You are beautiful!
And I purify myself
‘Cause I will know You just as You
Know me.
And I will see Your face.

I sat alone in the assembly
With Your heavy hand upon me–
Fish out of water.
We watched the trees as they fell down;
The shepherds wailed, an awful sound.
Your fire grew hotter.

And I can’t see Your face.
But I know You are weeping!
And I thought the work was vain.
Then I saw past the pain and
That I will see Your face.

Every dry place I have trod
While heading to the Mount of God,
You turn to refreshing,
That mourning pilgrims who come after
Can have their sorrow turned to laughter–
A wilderness blessing.

And I can’t see Your face,
But I know You are nearer now
Than when I first believed
And You received me in Your
And I will see Your face.

(Scriptures that inspired this poem– I Jn. 3:2-3; Jer. 15:17; Zech. 11:1-3; Lk. 13:34-35, 19:41; Psa. 84:5-7; Rom. 13:11)

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